Style Guide

Heading two

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient

Heading Three

Montes nascetur ridiculus musac

Heading Four

Ut faucibus nunc ac odio imperdiet

Heading Five

Nec tempor purus pulvinar

Heading Six

Curabitur finibus varius ultricies

Default Button

Small Button with Icon

Body Text & List

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum felis in gravida venenatis. Quisque in purus metus. Maecenas id ultricies nunc. Cras vel turpis in felis lacinia efficitur. Suspendisse ut est non elit eleifend faucibus in vitae quam.

Curabitur finibus tortor at purus pellentesque, nec ultricies sapien aliquet. In posuere sem a tincidunt egestas. Vestibulum viverra dictum porta.

Vestibulum viverra dictum porta

  • Praesent in massa ullamcorper, fermentum tortor eu, varius ligula.
  • Nulla tempus urna sed orci maximus vulputate.
  • Sed iaculis, ipsum a varius scelerisque, eros magna placerat nunc, dictum facilisis eros nisl porta sapien. Aenean quis sapien eu ipsum dictum porta ut sed tortor.
  • Integer porttitor molestie risus eget scelerisque.

Praesent laoreet ipsum eu eros sagittis, sit amet laoreet felis consequat. Donec vulputate sem erat, dapibus lacinia purus dapibus id. Phasellus sem urna, sodales ut maximus in, tincidunt vitae lacus.

Aenean tincidunt elit sed congue lobortis. Quisque eros enim, faucibus quis dolor nec, ultrices dapibus ex. Maecenas aliquet justo nibh, nec tempor lacus sagittis in. Praesent quis aliquet mi.

Praesent laoreet ipsum


Elementor Blocks

Page Header

This is the default page header, for both Elementor and non-Elementor pages. 

To add this section, open the Widget dialog box, from ‘My Templates’ tab select ‘Page Header’.
To change the background image, change the featured image on the page edit screen.

Style Guide

BY The NUmbers

To add this section, open the Widget dialog box, from ‘My Templates’ tab select ‘Section – By the Numbers’.

Click within to update content and headings.

To remove the ‘slice’ design, remove the classes “slice-top slice-offset ” from the section > advanced tab.

MSW Program

by the numbers


KY Rank for Graduate licensing Pass Rates


Student Field Placement Option


Student who receive some type of aid

The UK Difference

To add this section, open the Widget dialog box, from ‘My Templates’ tab select ‘Section – The UK Difference’.

You can add or remove row depending on the content.

To remove the ‘slice’ design, remove the class “slice ” from the section > advanced tab.


Pulvinar dapibus leo

Test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Pulvinar dapibus leo

Test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Pulvinar dapibus leo

Test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Pulvinar dapibus leo

Test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Upcoming Events

To add this section, open the Widget dialog box, from ‘My Templates’ tab select ‘Section – Upcoming Events’.

You can edit the events shown by selecting the ‘Events List’ block and then setting a category to pull from under the events options tab.

To remove the ‘slice’ design, remove the class “slice slice-offset” from the section > advanced tab.



Post loop

To add this section, open the Widget dialog box, from ‘My Templates’ tab select ‘Section – News’.

You can edit the posts shown by selecting the ‘Posts’ block and then setting a term category to pull from under the ‘Query’ options tab.

Title Here