Welcome to the Centers and Labs of the College of Social Work at the University of Kentucky!
The College of Social Work is home to three multidisciplinary Centers and three innovative Labs. Each of these unique entities focuses on the research-to-practice continuum in order to enhance services and improve lives. Researchers, academicians, practitioners, and students work together in and across our Centers and Labs to conduct pioneering research, conceptualize and implement vital services, and collaborate with community partners to address the challenges and issues hindering the growth and success of individuals, families, and communities.
The overarching organizational structure of CoSW Centers and Labs acts as an apparatus to allow in-depth analyses of changing social work landscapes and emerging trends, all while transforming research findings into cutting-edge programming and robust solutions to the most pressing social and societal problems. The individual Centers and Labs focus on substantive areas ranging from child welfare and family wellness to suicide prevention and military behavioral health. Through each, regardless of topic area, the faculty, staff, and students of the College of Social Work are committed to furthering the mission and vision of the College – to positively impact lives and continually improve community and individual well-being through research, service, and community partnerships.
Please explore our individual Center and Lab pages to learn more about the ongoing initiatives at each. I would love to talk with you about the work of our Centers and Labs and how we might collaborate and partner to further our collective mission.
Melissa Segress
Director, Centers & Labs