Public Library Virtual Storytimes: Meeting School Readiness and Community Needs through a Socially Distant Approach
The University of Kentucky, in partnership with the Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy, is investigating school readiness supports within public library virtual storytime programs (VSTs) and exploring the needs and expectations of stakeholder groups in relation to VSTs.
Preparing Schools to Address Childhood Trauma
This pilot study examines whether a newly developed online training increases teachers and other school personnel’s ability to recognize trauma symptoms among students, and to make referrals to an evidence-based intervention, if warranted.
Fostering Inter-Disciplinary Research-Practice Partnerships to Enhance Father's Capacities to Promote Child Well-being
This project relies upon the lived experiences of fathers and system providers to identify the practices, policies, and procedures (3Ps) that sustain racial inequities in fathers’ participation in service provision and effective co-equal parenting.
Crossover Youth Project
Utilizing integrated, de-identified data from child serving systems of care (i.e., child welfare, juvenile justice, behavioral health, and Medicaid claims data), this project seeks to explore the experiences of single and multi-system users.