Barbara Bodiford

MSW, Registered Clinical Social Work Intern, DSW Candidate,

Integrating the Etiologies of Sexual Offending and Pharmacotherapies to Increase Treatment Compliance in Adult Male Pedophiles


Sex offenders represent a diverse population within the United States, and a subclass of these individuals suffer from a sexual disorder known as pedophilia, with males comprising the vast majority of sexual offenders. Similar to the majority of societal concerns, some obstacles hinder the probability of sustained treatment adherence. Enhancing comprehension regarding the constituents of sexual offenses, in conjunction with advancements in pharmacotherapies, may result in expanded treatment alternatives and increased adherence to treatment among offenders. In addition, clinicians providing rehabilitation to offenders must maintain a uniform standard of care to decrease the utilization of insufficient and ineffectual interventions in correctional and community settings. The capstone project aims to analyze the constituents of sexual offenses and the impacts of pharmacotherapies. Additionally, it seeks to gain insight into the origins and diverse factors contributing to criminal behavior to enhance the development of targeted and effective treatment strategies.


Barbara M. Bodiford is a dedicated social worker positioned to provide safer communities for our present and future generations. Barbara is a proud alumnus of the University of West Florida, where she earned her Bachelor of Social Work and received her Master’s in Social Work at Troy University. Barbara attends the University of Kentucky as a Doctoral Candidate in the Doctor of Social Work Program. Her work with vulnerable populations over the past twenty years, coupled with her social work identity, empowers her to engage with others on an individual and community level. Barbara brings a wealth of life experience and her education that have informed her of social works’ primary goal of addressing social problems and assisting those in need. She endeavors to support and inspire her community through transformational practice to enact a positive change on an individual, community, and state level. Barbara is a member of the Phi Alpha Honor Society, the National Honor Society, the National Society for Leadership and Success, and the National Association of Social Workers.

Barbara’s interest lies in examining the interplay between environmental, genetic, and biological factors that contribute to pedophilia, in addition to the utilization of pharmacotherapies to mitigate impulsivity in adult male offenders. Barbara’s principal aim is to investigate the fundamental factors that contribute to sexual offenses committed by adult male pedophiles and to enhance current treatment approaches through the implementation of a direct and effective strategy to reduce recidivism rates among sex offenders.