Learning Your Child Has A Disability

Learning Your Child Has a Disability aims to help foster and adoptive parents understand the unique emotions of discovering or confirming a child in their care has a disability. This training will also offer tips and strategies to help foster and adoptive families cope with these feelings and challenges. After completing this training, participants will […]

Helping Your Child Succeed In School

Helping Your Child to Succeed in School will increase the ability of foster/adoptive parents to understand educational challenges faced by foster/adopted children. It will give resource parents the tools for creating a positive educational experience for their foster/adopted child, and equip them with the necessary tools to help support their children in the educational setting. […]

Guiding Your Child Through Adolescence 

Guiding Your Child Through Adolescence explores the physical and emotional changes that children undergo as they enter adolescence. Parents will discuss how parental roles change during this period of their child’s development. Strategies for successfully communicating with children during adolescence are provided. After completing this training, participants will be able to: Identify physical and emotional […]

ASK-VIP Support Group With Kay

ASK-VIP Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents in an inclusive, safe, and compassionate environment. They are led by seasoned facilitators who have lived experiences with fostering and adoption. If you’re seeking an opportunity to share resources, suggestions, frustrations and successes with those who share the unique experience […]

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2 will discuss the power and impact of words and terminology related to adoption and foster care. The training will provide strategies to help parents reword common terms and misconceptions into positive language that is unique to foster care and adoption, such as attachment and bonding, identity and self-esteem, and maintaining […]

New Placements: Preparing & Adjusting Family Roles

New Placements: Preparing & Adjusting Family Roles will help foster and adoptive parents introduce new placements into their existing family units. It gives ideas and strategies on how to prepare children and family already in the home to best welcome a new foster or adoptive child. It also describes challenges children already in the home […]

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency For Children In Care

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency for Children in Care explores the concepts of stability and resiliency and introduces skills for building resiliency in children who have experienced trauma. After completing this training, participants will be able to: Identify the differences between stability and resiliency and what it means to children in care. Describe ways to build […]

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System explores the services provided by this program. Participants learn how to refer children ages zero to three who have developmental delays, or medical conditions known to cause developmental delays, for First Steps services. How to work with the program to create an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is explored. […]

Learning To Communicate: Developing Social Skills

Learning to Communicate: Developing Social Skills will equip parents to understand the process of communicating with children, teaching children to communicate with adults and peers, and developing interpersonal social skills. It offers strategies and ideas to help parents and children communicate with each other more effectively and offers strategies to help children in care specifically. […]

Working With Birth Families To Achieve Permanency

Working with Birth Families to Achieve Permanency will equip foster parents many different ways to positively work with birth families toward the initial goal of reunification. The training also discusses the alternatives to reunification including relative placement and open adoption. It explains why including the birth families in these various placements is vital for the […]

Recognizing Signs Of Adoption Disruption And Dissolution

Recognizing the Signs of Adoption Disruption & Dissolution will teach foster/adoptive parents about adoption disruption and dissolution by equipping them with information regarding factors that contribute to disruption/dissolution, statistics on disruption/dissolution rates, and warning signs of a disruption or dissolution. The training also discusses ways to prevent a disruption/dissolution from occurring. After completing this training, […]

Child Development: Ages 0-5

Child Development 0-5 explores the typical milestones, or skills, that children develop from birth through age 5. It offers resources that caregivers can utilize to determine if a developmental screening may be warranted. Strategies for successfully advocating on behalf of children to receive needed assessments and services are explored. After completing this training, participants will […]