ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are specifically designed for foster/adoptive parents who identify as LGBTQ+ as well as foster/adoptive parents who are caring for children or teens who identify as LGBTQ+. The groups offer an opportunity to share experiences, questions, resources, and concerns in a safe and compassionate environment. These groups are led by […]

Working With Birth Families To Achieve Permanency

Working with Birth Families to Achieve Permanency will equip foster parents many different ways to positively work with birth families toward the initial goal of reunification. The training also discusses the alternatives to reunification including relative placement and open adoption. It explains why including the birth families in these various placements is vital for the […]

Teaching Growth Mindset To Children

Teaching Growth Mindset to Children introduces parents to the two types of mindsets and how beneficial it is for parents to help their children develop a growth mindset.  This training will also cover a step-by-step outline for how to teach growth mindset to children over a four week period. After completing this training, participants will: learn […]

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5 explores the unique experiences of transracial families and examines developmental stages of racial identity development in young children. It offers strategies to create an environment that is conducive to the formation of a positive identity, as well as strategies to help children develop coping skills and methods of maintaining a positive […]

Helping Your Child Make Healthy & Positive Choices: Talking To Teens & Preteens

Helping Your Child Make Healthy & Positive Choices: Talking to Teens & Preteens will teach foster and adoptive parents the importance of open and ongoing dialogue with their preteen or teen about the tough issues they will face throughout their adolescent years, with the goal being to help their child to begin making healthy choices […]

Positive Adoption Language: Part 1

Positive Adoption Language: Part 1 will discuss the power and impact of words and terminology related to adoption and foster care. This training will provide strategies to help parents reword common terms and misconceptions into positive language that is unique to foster care and adoption, such as working with birth families, facing diversity and society’s […]

Connecting With Your Child While Correcting Behavior

Connecting with Your Child While Correcting Behavior introduces parents to strategies to use to help them feel connected to children while correcting difficult behaviors. Parents will learn how to connect while also understanding the child’s history and also empowering them in the process. After completing this training, participants will be able to: Participants will learn […]

Healing After A Foster Child Leaves Your Home

Healing After a Foster Child Leaves Your Home will equip foster parents understand, cope with and heal from the unique pain of a foster child leaving their home. It offers strategies and ideas to help parents work through the emotions associated with this type of loss and encourage healing. This training also provides ideas of […]

ASK-VIP Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group

ASK-VIP Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents caring for children with medical complexities. They offer an opportunity to share experiences, questions, resources, and concerns in a safe and compassionate environment. These groups are led by a seasoned foster/adoptive parent facilitator with lived experiences […]

KIN VIP Caring For Kinship Teens With Valerie Lebanion

Caring for Teens in Kinship is a new KIN VIP Support Group offering for caregivers who are caring for teenagers in kinship care. This group will focus on caring for teenage youth placed in relative and fictive kin care and will explore topics related to day-to-day caretaking, communication, relationship-building, discipline approaches, and support for children […]

KIN VIP Caring For Teens Peer Support Group With Valerie Lebanion

Caring for Teens in Kinship is a new KIN VIP Support Group offering for caregivers who are caring for teenagers in kinship care. This group will focus on caring for teenage youth placed in relative and fictive kin care and will explore topics related to day-to-day caretaking, communication, relationship-building, discipline approaches, and support for children […]

Healthy Boundaries: Strategies For Answering Tough Questions

Healthy Boundaries: Strategies for Answering Tough Questions helps foster and adoptive parents understand the importance of setting boundaries in their lives. It explains the different types of boundaries (Physical and Emotional) and offers strategies and ideas to help parents work with children to build their own boundaries, especially when it comes to intrusive questions asked […]