Grad Chat: Law Schools Fair

Gatton Student Center 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY, United States

Connect with Law School representatives looking for UK students to be part of their future classes. Come prepared to ask questions about law school. Open to all majors and grade levels. Register Here

Social Work Month Campus Appreciation Event

Gatton Student Center 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY, United States

In honor of National Social Work Month, the University of Kentucky College of Social Work (CoSW) will host an appreciation event for any UK employee who has graduated from a social work program or currently serves the campus in a social work capacity. The event will take place on Friday, March 31 from 11:00 a.m. […]

2022 UK Parents Resource Fair

Gatton Student Center 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY, United States

UK HR Work-Life is hosting a free parents and guardians resource fair from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12, in Ballrooms B and C of the Gatton Student Center. At this fair, UK employees will have an opportunity to connect with child-friendly resources for school-age children regarding: Academic/mental health support After school programs […]

KY Long-Term Survivors of Suicide Retreat

Gatton Student Center 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY, United States

The Suicide Prevention and Exposure Lab at the University of Kentucky College of Social Work will host a two-day retreat for Kentuckians that lost someone close to them to suicide more than three years ago. The retreat, which is being offered in collaboration with the Kentucky Interagency Council on Suicide Prevention, Eastern Kentucky University Psychology […]

UK Appreciation Day

Gatton Student Center 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY, United States

University of Kentucky employees are invited to attend the 2022 UK Appreciation Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, May 26 at the Gatton Student Center (GSC). This year’s event will take place outside, weather permitting. If the weather does not permit, it will take place inside the GSC. Supervisors are encouraged to adjust schedules accordingly without requiring leave to […]