Medically Complex Training Program utilizes online training options for caregivers

The Medically Complex training program offers training for prospective foster parents who have a desire to work with medically complex children.

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LEXINGTON, Ky. – Technology plays a crucial role in the Medically Complex Training Program at the University of Kentucky College of Social Work, allowing the program to support caregivers in the comfort of their own home. 

The Medically Complex training program offers training for prospective foster parents who have a desire to work with medically complex children. These children in need of care pose unique challenges and rewards for foster parents. The Medically Complex Training program exists to give caregivers both initial training and continuing education on a yearly basis to assist them with taking care of these children.  

Additionally, the Medically Complex Training program networks with the Department of Community Based Services and private foster homes in order to assist with training and questions about these processes. 

Online training has been a necessity for both ease and higher levels of engagement for these caregivers. 

“Utilizing an online component is deeply important for a few reasons, allowing us to serve more prospective parents at once,” Dave Giannini, Medically Complex program coordinator, said. “Given the ability to take this training from the comfort of their homes, it also removes the need to find a physical space. This is especially important as we serve parents across the Commonwealth, not just in the Lexington area.” 

The program uses online methods for the Join Hands Training (initial training) and for half of the annual trainings. The initial trainings are offered monthly for both parents and social workers via Zoom, with the program coordinator and the Medical Support Section from DCBS. 

The annual trainings have four sessions that are online and then a full-day session, which is in-person. We feel that this strikes a good balance for engagement and is also respectful of foster parents’ time. 

Providing support and helping those youth in need are the priority for the Medically Complex Training program. 

“The impact of the Medically Complex Training Program is twofold. First, I hope that caregivers find these trainings easy to access and move them closer to helping children that are at our highest acuity of need. Secondly, I hope that the trainings impact them in a way will assist them the best in the future care of these children,” Giannini said. 

Moving towards a more technologically based program in the future, Giannini expects that a large portion of the Medically Complex Training will be available to complete online for foster parents. 

“Our goal is to have the entire Join Hands Training be engaged with in modules online. This way, parents can complete this on their own schedule. It will also allow us to serve more parents, Giannini said. “Currently, our classes are consistently full, with some parents on waiting lists. Hopefully, this will remove that aspect entirely.” 

Technology has helped the Medically Complex Training Program reach more caregivers in the state of Kentucky and ensure that they are getting the most up-to-date information in order to provide for the youth in their care. The program provides numerous opportunities for parents, nurses, social workers and case managers to improve their base of knowledge. This will assist in the care of children who need it the most. 

“Given the psychological, physical, and medical needs of these children, the parents who are willing to do this work are truly people that should be congratulated and thanked. The Medically Complex Training Program aims to make their lives just a little bit easier and guide them in a difficult and rewarding process,” said Giannini. 

For more information on the Medically Complex Training Program, please contact or visit the Medically Complex website. 

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