About MSW

The College of Social Work at the University of Kentucky offers an innovative and exciting MSW curriculum aimed to equip MSW graduates for the tasks and responsibilities encountered in professional social work practice. The College of Social Work promotes community and individual well-being through its translational research and scholarship, exemplary teaching, and vital community engagement. The College is committed to the people and social institutions throughout Kentucky, the nation, and the world. The College, like the University, is an organization that cultivates a diverse academic community characterized by interpersonal fairness and social justice. The College is fiercely committed to developing outstanding social work professionals — leaders who will serve individuals, families, and communities through innovative and effective practices that are guided by cultural competency, systematic ethical analysis, and a keen and pragmatic understanding of the human condition.

Our MSW program is open to all undergraduate degrees and may be completed full time or part time, in either a hybrid or online format and is accredited by CSWE. The MSW is an Advanced Generalist program and prepares students for social work practice across the micro-macro continuum with diverse populations. In addition, students may complete certificates in multiple areas or students may complete coursework specific to an individualized plan of study to be meet their area of interest. 

The Army MSW program is offered at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas and is a selective admission process through the Department of Defense. Students also have the opportunity to complete their MSW Online.

An online MSW is also available. Explore Program