Positive Discipline For Teenagers

Positive Discipline for Teenagers will provide foster/Adoptive Parents with effective tools that will guide them to positive discipline and communication with teenagers that are in their care/home. It discusses the importance of using partnership based approach to […]

Guiding Your Child Through Adolescence 

Guiding Your Child Through Adolescence explores the physical and emotional changes that children undergo as they enter adolescence. Parents will discuss how parental roles change during this period of their child’s development. Strategies for successfully communicating with […]

The Five Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages introduces parents to the different love languages and discusses ways to use this information to strengthen partner/spouse relationships as well as relationships with children and teenagers.  Parents […]

ASK-VIP Support Group With Tim & Amanda

ASK-VIP Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents in an inclusive, safe, and compassionate environment. They are led by seasoned facilitators who have […]

Connecting With Your Child While Correcting Behavior

Connecting with Your Child While Correcting Behavior introduces parents to strategies to use to help them feel connected to children while correcting difficult behaviors.  Parents will learn how to connect while […]

Compulsive Lying

Compulsive Lying explores why a child may lie compulsively. It identifies strategies and offers resources designed to assist children and their families dealing with this issue.    After completing this training, participants will be able to:  Recognize causes of compulsive […]

Working With Birth Families To Achieve Permanency

Working with Birth Families to Achieve Permanency will equip foster parents with many different ways to positively work with birth families toward the initial goal of reunification. The training also discusses the alternatives to […]

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency For Children In Care

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency for Children in Care explores the concepts of stability and resiliency and introduces skills for building resiliency in children who have experienced trauma. After completing this […]

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are specifically designed for foster/adoptive parents who identify as LGBTQ+ as well as foster/adoptive parents who are caring for children or teens who identify as LGBTQ+. The […]


Bullying provides parents an overview of bullying behaviors that children, teens and young adults may encounter and the effects it has on children, youth and society as a whole. This training also provides strategies […]