Perceptions Of Adoption: A Child’s Developmental View

Perceptions of Adoption: A Child’s Developmental View will discuss the ways a child’s cognitive development skills and emotions develop, and how that impact his or her perceptions regarding adoption. This training provides information on how these perceptions change at each major developmental stage, along with how foster and adoptive parents can help children work through any issues that might arise.  After […]

KIN VIP Support Group With Arion Jett-Seals

Description This group will focus on the day to day issues involving relative and fictive kin care and will be shaped by the identified needs of group participants. Members of this daytime group are encouraged to share their emotions, challenges, stress, concerns/needs, and excitement with the group in order to gain feedback, resources, support, and […]

Adoption: Understanding Your Commitment

Adoption: Understanding Your Commitment explores adoption dissolution. It addresses the impact on a child and family when adoption dissolution occurs and offers strategies and resources to prevent it.   After completing this training, participants will be able to:  Interpret information about adoption dissolution and reasons why it occurs.   Identify strategies to prevent adoption dissolution.  ASK-VIP trainings are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents. Skilled trainers who have lived experiences with fostering and […]

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5 explores the unique experiences of transracial families and examines developmental stages of racial identity development in young children. It offers strategies to create an environment that is conducive to the formation of a positive identity, as well as strategies to help children develop coping skills and methods of maintaining a positive identity. It also addresses how to properly care for the skin and hair of African-American or bi-racial […]

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2 will discuss the power and impact of words and terminology related to adoption and foster care. The training will provide strategies to help parents reword common terms and misconceptions into positive language that is unique to foster care and adoption, such as attachment and bonding, identity and self-esteem, and maintaining […]

Event Series BASW Info Sessions

BASW Info Session

Are You Wildly Passionate About Social Work? Explore the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) program during an online info session. Count Me In The UK Difference Graduates from our program are uniquely poised to enter a competitive job market and make the most of forecasted growth within the social work profession. Our recent […]

Compulsive Lying

Compulsive Lying explores why a child may lie compulsively. It identifies strategies and offers resources designed to assist children and their families dealing with this issue.    After completing this training, participants will be able to:  Recognize causes of compulsive lying   Identify strategies to employ with children to address lying.  ASK-VIP trainings are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents. Skilled trainers who […]

Caring for Children Born Exposed to Substances

Caring for children born exposed to various substances or chemicals can be heart wrenching. Knowing what to do and how to respond can be frightening and confusing for caregivers. These children need more than just “baby care” or traditional infant care, caregivers must know how to respond during those first few days, weeks, and months. […]

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System explores the services provided by this program. Participants learn how to refer children ages zero to three who have developmental delays, or medical conditions known to cause developmental delays, for First Steps services. How to work with the program to create an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is explored. After […]

Event Series Centers & Labs Monthly Meeting

Centers & Labs Monthly Meeting

UK CoSW Training Resource Center 1648 McGrathiana Parkway, Suite 400, Lexington, KY, United States

Monthly Staff Meeting for Centers & Labs Training Resource Center Staff. The meeting is held the 3rd Wednesday of Each Month at the Training Resource Center. This is an in-person meeting. However, a Zoom link will be sent out prior to the training for any staff who cannot attend in-person.

Confidentiality In Foster Care

Confidentiality in Foster Care explores the importance of protecting the confidentiality of children in care. It offers strategies for how sensitive information about children in care can be communicated in appropriate ways while maintaining confidentiality. Maintaining a child’s confidentiality across a variety of settings, including social media, is addressed.  After completing this training, participants will be […]

Fostering & Adopting Sibling Group

Fostering & Adopting Sibling Groups explores the benefits of placing siblings together as well as potential barriers and challenges. The impact of on attachment and bonding among siblings who have experienced trauma is discussed. Considerations related to caring for a sibling placement are explored.    After completing this training, participants will be able to:   Recognize positive aspects of placing siblings together as well as potential barriers and challenges.  Identify items to consider before […]