Compulsive Lying

Compulsive Lying explores why a child may lie compulsively. It identifies strategies and offers resources designed to assist children and their families dealing with this issue. After completing this training, participants will be able to: Recognize causes of compulsive lying Identify strategies to employ with children to address lying. ASK-VIP trainings are expressly designed to […]

Helping Foster & Adopted Children Transition To A New School

Helping Foster & Adopted Children Transition to a New School will assist foster/adoptive parents in preparing to enroll a child in a new school. It will also provide practical tips for helping their children explain adoption to their classmates in a way that is comfortable to them and gives suggestions regarding answers to common adoption […]

New Placements: Preparing & Adjusting Family Roles

New Placements: Preparing & Adjusting Family Roles will help foster and adoptive parents introduce new placements into their existing family units. It gives ideas and strategies on how to prepare children and family already in the home to best welcome a new foster or adoptive child. It also describes challenges children already in the home […]

Event Series DSW Info Sessions

DSW Info Session

Turn Your Goals into Reality Explore our Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) program during an online info session. Registration link is at the end of the event listing, under 'Website'. The UK Difference Our Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) program was developed with practitioners in mind. This high-quality, rigorous program prepares practitioners to navigate the […]

Kinship Families Impacted By Substance Use KIN VIP Support Group

This new KIN VIP Support Group will begin as a 12-week pilot Support Group and will provide a community of support for kinship caregivers who have been impacted by a family member’s substance use. This group will offer a safe space where kinship caregivers can find support, understanding, resources, and hope. The group is completely […]

Strategies For Parenting Teens

Strategies for Parenting Teens will provide an overview of adolescent development and common questions and challenges presented by youth who are in foster care or were adopted. This training will equip participants with parenting strategies to address specific issues common to foster and adopted teens. After completing this training, participants will be able to: Recognize […]

Healthy Boundaries In Teenage Relationships

Healthy Boundaries in Teenage Relationships explores healthy and unhealthy dating behaviors. It is designed to assist caregivers in identifying warning signs that a teen may be involved in an abusive dating relationship and provides suggestions for talking to teens and/or their friends who find themselves involved in such relationships. After completing this training, participants will […]

Nurturing Youth’s Cultural / Racial / Ethnic Needs And Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity

CORE TEEN (Critical On-going Resource Family Education) Session 4 Nurturing Youth’s Cultural / Racial / Ethnic Needs and Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity February 29, 2024 6:30 PM-9:00 PM EST Via Zoom Carla Jordan, MS 2.5 credit hours Navigating the teen years can be challenging. It’s even more difficult for youth that have experienced trauma. […]

Event Series The Lakes Citizen Review Panel

The Lakes Citizen Review Panel

Citizen Review Panels (CRPs) are groups of caring volunteers that work to improve the well-being of children, families, and communities across Kentucky. To learn more about CRPs or join a regional panel, please visit the CRP website or contact Tara Pulaski at

Kinship Families Impacted By Substance Use KIN VIP Support Group

This new KIN VIP Support Group will begin as a 12-week pilot Support Group and will provide a community of support for kinship caregivers who have been impacted by a family member’s substance use. This group will offer a safe space where kinship caregivers can find support, understanding, resources, and hope. The group is completely […]