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CoSW graduates emerge with a newfound sense of purpose, armed with knowledge, skills, and a sense of responsibility to create positive change in their communities and beyond.
“Although this road has been a difficult journey for myself and my family,” Scott shared, “I am grateful for DSW program at UK that gives me tools for both research and advocacy.”
The College of Social Work honors those who have made a difference in the lives of children in the Commonwealth.
As National Child Abuse Prevention Month comes to a close in April, Dr. Shelby Clark pens op-ed titled “Community Strategies to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.”
As Dr. Jasmine Cohen-Young finishes up her time with the University of Kentucky College of Social Work (CoSW), a journey that started with a basketball and a hoop culminates in a Doctorate of Social Work (DSW).
Check out the gallery highlights of the Statewide Foster and Adoptive Parent Appreciation event at Newport Aquarium!
The CoSW celebrated the 2023 Foster and Adoptive Families of the Year at the Statewide Foster and Adoptive Appreciation Event.
Foster parents and child welfare workers came together to share in camaraderie and education at Conversations on Collaboration.
New York Times Best-selling author and award-winning columnist Juan Williams to be featured speaker.
UK marked the 30th Sarah Bennett Holmes Award Luncheon at the UK Gatton Student Center, honoring women’s contributions across the university in academia and beyond.
The University of Kentucky College of Social Work features a Q&A with Tara Pulaski, program coordinator for the Citizen Review Panels and Children’s Justice Act Task Force.
This cohort, including members from the Army, Air Force, and Army National Guard, marks a significant milestone in the program’s aim to foster skilled clinical social workers across military branches.