What To Ask When Called About A Placement

What to Ask When Called About a Placement will help foster and adoptive parents gather information before accepting a placement of a new child. During the training, participants will discuss […]

Recognizing Signs Of Adoption Disruption And Dissolution

Recognizing the Signs of Adoption Disruption & Dissolution will teach foster/adoptive parents about adoption disruption and dissolution by equipping them with information regarding factors that contribute to disruption/dissolution, statistics on […]

Strategies For Parenting Teens

Strategies for Parenting Teens will provide an overview of adolescent development and common questions and challenges presented by youth who are in foster care or were adopted. This training will […]

Confidentiality In Foster Care

Confidentiality in Foster Care explores the importance of protecting the confidentiality of children in care. It offers strategies for how sensitive information about children in care can be communicated in […]

Strategies To Remain Positive When Adopting

Strategies to Remain Positive When Adopting describes common behaviors that the child(ren) may exhibit as well as feelings adoptive parents may have during the adoption process, including grief and post-adoption […]

Internet Safety

The Internet Safety training explores questions caregivers often have related to internet safety. It examines recommended guidelines for internet access and usage among children. It provides resources related to parental […]

ASK-VIP Support Group with Sheila

ASK-VIP Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents in an inclusive, safe, and compassionate environment. They are led by seasoned facilitators who have […]

Healthy Boundaries: Strategies For Answering Tough Questions

Healthy Boundaries: Strategies for Answering Tough Questions helps foster and adoptive parents understand the importance of setting boundaries in their lives. It explains the different types of boundaries (Physical and […]

ARC Meetings & IEPs: The Basics

ARC Meetings & IEPs: The Basics will help foster and adoptive parents understand the process of an ARC Meeting and gain a better perspective of what an IEP will look […]

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are specifically designed for foster/adoptive parents who identify as LGBTQ+ as well as foster/adoptive parents who are caring for children or teens who identify […]

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency For Children In Care

Promoting Stability & Increasing Resiliency for Children in Care explores the concepts of stability and resiliency and introduces skills for building resiliency in children who have experienced trauma. After completing this […]