ARC Meetings & IEPs: The Basics

ARC Meetings & IEPs: The Basics will help foster and adoptive parents understand the process of an ARC Meeting and gain a better perspective of what an IEP will look like. It offers strategies […]


Cyberbullying is a training that explores what cyberbullying entails, warning signs that a child may be a victim of it, and its harmful effects. Statistics on cyberbullying are examined and reasons for cyberbullying behavior in children and youth are discussed. Strategies designed to protect […]

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Group

ASK-VIP LGBTQ+ Foster/Adoptive Parent Support Groups are specifically designed for foster/adoptive parents who identify as LGBTQ+ as well as foster/adoptive parents who are caring for children or teens who identify as LGBTQ+. The […]

Teaching Growth Mindset To Children

Teaching Growth Mindset to Children introduces parents to the two types of mindsets and how beneficial it is for parents to help their children develop a growth mindset.  This training will […]

Keeping Families Strong

Keeping Families Strong provides foster parents insight on how to keep partnerships, families and friendships strong while providing care to out of home children. It will also provide strategies for foster parents to build workable boundaries around these […]

ASK-VIP Support Group With Kay

ASK-VIP Support Groups are expressly designed to meet the needs of foster and adoptive parents in an inclusive, safe, and compassionate environment. They are led by seasoned facilitators who have […]

Perceptions Of Adoption: A Child’s Developmental View

Perceptions of Adoption: A Child’s Developmental View will discuss the ways a child’s cognitive development skills and emotions develop, and how that impact his or her perceptions regarding adoption. This training provides information on how […]

Adoption: Understanding Your Commitment

Adoption: Understanding Your Commitment explores adoption dissolution. It addresses the impact on a child and family when adoption dissolution occurs and offers strategies and resources to prevent it.   After completing this training, participants will be able to:  Interpret information about adoption dissolution and reasons why it occurs.   […]

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5

Transracial Parenting: Ages 0-5 explores the unique experiences of transracial families and examines developmental stages of racial identity development in young children. It offers strategies to create an environment that is conducive to the formation of a positive identity, as […]

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2

Positive Adoption Language: Part 2 will discuss the power and impact of words and terminology related to adoption and foster care. The training will provide strategies to help parents reword […]

Compulsive Lying

Compulsive Lying explores why a child may lie compulsively. It identifies strategies and offers resources designed to assist children and their families dealing with this issue.    After completing this training, participants will be able to:  Recognize causes of compulsive […]

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System

First Steps: Kentucky’s Early Intervention System explores the services provided by this program. Participants learn how to refer children ages zero to three who have developmental delays, or medical conditions known […]