Protected: Supporting Faculty Self-Care: An Administrative Imperative

The article was originally written in April 2021 by Justin Jay Miller, Dean, Director of The Self-Care Lab, and Dorothy A. Miller Research Professor in Social Work Education. It was posted in The ACAD Leader.
Dean Miller pointing at the crowd and smiling

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For over 85 years, the College of Social Work (CoSW) at the University of Kentucky has been a leader in education. Our mission is clear: Through rigorous research, excellence in instruction, and steadfast service, the CoSW works to improve the human condition. Always, in all ways.

As the state’s flagship university, our mission is actualized through our deeds. Our faculty are renowned academicians dedicated to fostering the development of high-quality practitioners and researchers. As a college, we promote community and individual well-being through translational research and scholarship, exemplary teaching, and vital community engagement. We are committed to the people and social institutions throughout Kentucky, the nation, and the world.