Current Best Practices in the Delivery of Online Social Work Education that Maximize Student Engagement and Success

The practice of online social work education at the college and university level goes back nearly as far as the mass propagation of internet access in the 1990s. Higher education has a history of working to accommodate students who work or otherwise have challenges being present at a brick-and-mortar campus during traditional working hours, Monday through Friday. Over the years, colleges and universities have offered evening and weekend classes, correspondence courses via the United States Postal Service, and even self-paced CD-ROM programs.

As internet access has increased over the decades, so has the amount of web-based social work courses and programs. With the arrival of Covid-19 in March 2020, institutes of higher learning had to quickly pivot to online instruction, and quickly adapt and utilize web-based learning management systems and media to engage and educate students. As higher education has returned to a new normal following Covid-related restrictions and lockdowns in the early 2020s, it is important to take a new look at the delivery of online social work education to ensure current best practices and innovations are in place to maximize student engagement and success in this important area of social work practice.

Clinician Survivors of Client Suicide: A Policy for Colleges and University Campuses

Being a clinician survivor of a client suicide is a devastating and tragic risk of working in the mental health field. Following the loss of a client to a completed suicide, the clinician survivor is left with personal and professional struggles. This presentation will provide an overview of a systemic literature review of clinician survivors of client suicide.

The literature review will focus on the significant experience that the loss of a client to a completed suicide has on a clinician. Theoretical perspectives will address the impact that a client’s suicide has on a clinician. Systems theory will provide an explanation of the clinician’s struggles following a loss of a client.

Wounded health theory offers the clinician survivor hope to transform from a wounded individual to a wounded healer following the client’s death to a completed suicide. A policy will be offered to support clinicians on a college or university campus following a client’s suicide using the steps from Crisis Incident Stress Management.

Exploring Social Worker Wellness: Balancing Individual Self-Care and the Responsibility of Leadership

This presentation will review three scholarly products that explore practitioner wellness in the context of the social work field. As the burnout rate among social workers is higher than in other professions, self-care and organizational wellness are promoted to combat this phenomenon. The first product, a systematic literature review, provides a foundation of information found in the current literature.

Social worker self-care and wellness are explored within education, organizations, and within the broader professional culture. The second product, a conceptual paper, promotes the idea of holistic practitioner wellness by viewing it through the lens of three theoretical frameworks with an emphasis on the impact of the workplace setting and leadership. The third product, a practice application paper, offers a wellness program for social work organizations.

This program was adapted using an existing framework identified in product one and applies the information synthesized in product two.

Decentering Privilege Via Clinical Social Work Supervision

Social Workers are often seen and valued in our society as change makers, especially related to social justice. While that presents as a shared value and focus across the field there is little research or guidance from social workers, specifically clinical social workers, about supervision frameworks that ensure anti-oppressive direct clinical care is being provided.

This presentation will showcase the history of this issue, important notations from the utilization of a systematic literature review, mentions of other attempts and supports to rectify this concern, a highlighting of anti-oppressive supervisory models created by clinicians from other clinical disciplines, an in depth case study and logic model that leads us to the five step supervisory framework created by University of Kentucky doctoral candidate, Rachel Buxbaum, to support the decentering of privilege via clinical social work supervision.

Serious Mental Illness Recovery: Seeing the Person Not the Stereotype

Serious mental illness (SMI) is heavily stigmatized by the public and within healthcare systems. This stigma can be a barrier to treatment and recovery, negatively impacting the person, their family, and the community. Becoming aware of the stigmatizing beliefs of clinicians and acknowledging implicit bias exists among clinicians is imperative to the success of treatment.

Through formulating and practicing an integrative approach to treatment, people with SMI can receive ethical and competent care. Social workers often serve at the forefront of care for vulnerable populations and can act as effective agents in changing the therapeutic dynamic with people with SMI.

Reclaiming Social Justice in Clinical Social Work: A Metatheoretical Supervision Model to Develop Justice-Oriented Practitioners

The promotion of human rights, equity, and social justice are central tenets in the social work discipline. However, as a profession, social work has experienced ideological fissures, leading to failures to capture the complexities of contextual and systemic influences in clinical practice. This capstone project seeks to address this dichotomy in education and practice by situating clinical supervision as the ideal pedagogical space for the development of justice-oriented practitioners.

In this presentation, the author will first report on the findings of a systematic literature review investigating the role of social justice in the salient clinical supervision literature. Next, the author will propose the rationale for a conceptual model for social justice–oriented clinical supervision. The Critical Relational Model (CRM) emerged during the analytic process, demonstrating the layered and contextual nature of clinical supervision (e.g.: sociocultural identities, power dynamics, systemic injustices).

Grounded in a constructionist metatheory and applied though a relational lens, the model draws from critical theories, critical pedagogy, anti-oppressive and decolonizing frameworks, while centering the supervisory relationship in the process of learning and growth. Last, the author describes how the model can be applied in clinical supervision to develop critical skills and meta–competencies, decolonize supervision, and promote epistemic justice. Beyond a supervision model, the CRM is a call to action.

Given the growing socio-political and racial tension in the US and emerging debates over the many manifestations of injustice, oppression, marginalization, discrimination, and human rights violations impacting individuals’ lived experiences, there has never been better time to reclaim social justice in the clinical arena.

The Epidemic Of Suicidality Among Young Adults

The presentation focuses on the societal issue of suicidality among young adults and how the COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on this societal issue. This presentation explores this social problem by examining a literature study, a conceptualization of the social problem, and how the social problem is seen in a practice context. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss some of the primary contributors to the social problem at hand, as well as the increased prevalence of substance use disorders observed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these two concepts are related.

This presentation examines the 8754: Impact Young Adults policy and how it offers resources to substance use?clinics and first responders throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This presentation’s emphasis on the significance of educating the community about potential risk factors, warning signals, chances for awareness and education, and the need for resources will aid in bringing about the necessary change. A substantial proportion of young adults are engaged in a “quiet war” with suicidality and other mental health difficulties and are unsure about what to do next.

This presentation addresses this topic to raise awareness and encourage that one young adult to seek attention or assistance. One young adult lost to suicide is one young adult lost to many.

The Opioid Epidemic in Black Communities

This presentation will look at the opioid epidemic in Black communities. Black individuals now die at higher rates than white individuals from opioid overdoses. Once considered a white disease, communities of color have not been given attention in the epidemic, and resources have focused on rural, middle-class white communities.

This presentation will address this problem and discuss the impact of systemic racism in regard to addiction treatment and, more specifically, opioid use disorder. Historical context will be provided, and the impact of the opioid crisis on Black communities today will be discussed. The presenter will suggest that the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Systems Theory combined can be used to implement comprehensive and culturally responsive care for Black individuals and communities.

The presentation will address the need for macro-level change through policy but will end with suggestions for immediate solutions to remediate care disparities and reach more Black individuals.

Simulation in Social Work Education: Elevating Competence in Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicide Risk Assessment

This presentation will provide an overall summary of the presenter’s capstone project. The presentation will cover three distinctive products: the systematic literature review, the conceptual paper, and the practice application paper.

The first product, a systematic literature review, focused on simulation-based learning as an innovative, experiential, teaching method in enhancing clinical competency skills in MSW students in field practicum and practice.

The second product, a conceptual paper, presented a multi-dimensional framework for understanding and grounding simulation as a pedagogy, in addition, its ability to connect field education and social work curriculum is presented.

Bridging the gap in research, the 3rd and last product, a practice application paper, presents a simulation educational model for curriculum development that can be applied to graduate social work clinical courses.

Eliminating the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness in Healthcare Settings: Examining Provider Training Using Anti-Oppressive Instruction and Contact (AOIC) Training

This presentation will review the scholarly literature surrounding current interventions that have been attempted in the hopes of alleviating the stigma and biases that exist in healthcare settings for individuals who have a history of mental illness. Product One will discuss the stigma and biases that exist for individuals with mental illness, the resulting healthcare disparities, and the detrimental effects they have on patient welfare. It will also examine the success and failures of existing interventions in eliminating those biases.

Product Two will take a closer look at the existing interventions to assess the positive and negative aspects of each in order to evaluate what may be useful when proposing a new training intervention as well as stress the importance of extended patient contact during the intervention.

Product Three outlines a new training and contact intervention that teaches medical personnel, both current and future, how to use an anti-oppressive approach when working with patients. It also includes extended contact with individuals with mental illness which will be an integral part of the intervention.

A Grief Response Guide: Addressing Violence Exposure Among Urban Youth

At the nexus of therapeutic practice and urban youth’s mental health, including depression, anxiety, and grief there are gaps in knowledge. The knowledge available on the mental health of urban youth and their exposure to violence could be used to build interventions and services that support the integration of academic success outcomes through trauma informed care. Young people exposed to violence are affected by fatalism and disenfranchisement, especially those from inner city and high crime neighborhoods.

To better understand how loss impacts urban youth, a theoretical framework that combines two concepts—the socio-ecological theory and the meaning reconstruction theory—is presented. Our objective is to contrast these theories’ justifications for modern treatment methods and their application to young people, then offer a post-positive framework for successful interventions based on these beliefs. The knowledge related to urban youth and exposure to violence can be addressed through culturally aware practice and assessment of need.

The capstone will identify and propose the HEARTS resource created to address the disproportionate services for urban youth and share the research that supports this innovative approach to urban youth and grief.